Wednesday, November 3, 2004

Why SECULAR music?

It would seem like a no brainer to categorize a group like BWC that mostly plays in the style of American 'rock' and 'pop' music as secular; like it would just go without saying. But in the last 5 or so years we have noticed something very troubling. It's nation wide but has a stronghold in our home state of Colorado. Specifically the front range and Colorado Springs. 
It seems that recently, christian music, in an attempt to appear more 'hip' and 'fun', or to appear that there isn't actually a theological agenda behind what they are doing, has adopted the style of modern, 'hip' secular music. Like a trojan horse, they are sneaking their theological agenda to the kids in the disguise of secular music. 
Now, we understand and accept that 'christian rock' music has existed for a long long time. This does not bother us. In fact, BWC is very influenced by some forms of gospel music. Traditionally gospel and christian rock music has been quite open about their theological views. They wear it on their sleeves quite heavily, with lyrics like, "God is a mighty god... Jesus I love you..." etc... This is fine with us. This form of christian music has been honest about their message and has always been clear about where they stand. 
But with this new brand of what I like to call, 'secretly christian' music there is something dangerous and very misleading going on. These new christian bands do not have lyrics about god or jesus or anything like that. At first glance they would appear to be very secular in nature. They come in the form of hardcore, punk, metal, electronica, indie, emo, screamo (insert trendy youth friendly genre name)... Secular music no? But upon further examination of these groups we discover a very deep connection to the christian mega-churches. These bands are often funded by religious organizations. They play in venues that may appear secular but are also funded by the mega-churches. These venues often try to appear to be DIY in nature, a 'positive all ages drug and alcohol free, violence free, non profit punk  venue for youth'. Kind of that hardcore punk, 'food not bombs' type of vibe. All of these things are fine and positive. As with the christian religion, we agree with many of the positive aspects. BWC have played in and support many all ages, positive youth type places. But the difference is that the places we play are not secretly affiliated with any mega-church. 
*side note: In America all churches are considered non-profit though some mega churches bring in millions of revenue dollars. It's easy for these venues to claim non-profit when they are funded by a mega-church.
Traditionally the christian church has tried to keep it's youth away from the evils of things like, rock and roll and subcultures. It seems like they have found a new attack though. It's like if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. The megga-churches have now created their own version of a rock and roll subculture that their kids can safely take part in with out the dangers of things like the independent and critical thought and rebellion associated with the real secular musical subculture. 
Let me be clear. We have absolutely NOTHING against the christian religion or any religion but we feel strongly that any theological message or agenda that you have should be presented honestly and not disguised in the form of 'hip' secular music that is 'for the kids'. This is the difference between honest religious expression and propaganda. If you are christian call yourself christian, sing about what you believe in. If other people believe in what you believe in they will choose to listen to you. But please be honest about where you stand. The kids that like to dance at your concerts and buy your records deserve the freedom to choose what kind of theological messages that they are exposed to. If you are not open about your ties to the megga-churches than you are robbing people of that choice. To try to sneak it in via secular pop culture forms is misleading and borderline brainwashing. 
This is why Bad Weather California purposefully classifies it's self as a 'Secular Musical Group'. We are not anti christian. We are pro-honesty. 

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